Tax information for Vanguard funds
2025 March supplemental distribution estimates (PDF)
Any taxable income and/or realized capital gains that were greater than the amounts distributed in December 2024 will be distributed in March 2025 as "supplemental" income dividends or capital gains distributions.
View the dates that Vanguard funds and ETFs are expected to distribute dividends in 2025 through November 2025. December dates will be released later.
What you'll need to complete your taxes
Tax information for 2024 will be available in January. We'll add the documents named below at that time.
Most often needed for taxable funds:
Vanguard funds that held U.S. government bonds (i.e., government obligations) (PDF)
It's good to know the percentage of income your funds may have received from U.S. government bonds because that income is generally not taxed in most states.
Vanguard funds that are eligible for the foreign tax credit (PDF)
If you own a fund that includes foreign investments, the fund may have paid foreign taxes on the income, which is passed to you as a credit. You might be able to use this credit against taxes on those investments in the U.S. If your 1099-DIV shows an amount for a particular fund, learn how to calculate your credit so you don’t get taxed twice.
Vanguard funds that distributed qualified dividend income
If your fund holds stock with a company, that company will often distribute dividends. If the company is a U.S. corporation, that dividend could be considered “qualified.” Qualified income is taxed at a lower rate. Knowing the percentages may help you lower your taxes.
Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund distributions
Use this information to learn how to report your ordinary dividends, qualified dividends, and nontaxable distributions (return of capital) paid by Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund.
Distribution of qualified short-term capital gains by Vanguard funds (PDF)
View qualified short-term capital gains for 1042-S reporting on applicable Vanguard mutual funds.
Most often needed for municipal bond funds:
Percentage of dividends distributed by state by Vanguard’s municipal bond funds (PDF)
If you own a Vanguard municipal bond fund, find out the percentage of dividends earned from each state. Knowing this information might save you money on your state tax return as most states don’t tax their own municipal bond distributions.
Utah-specific taxation of municipal bond interest (PDF)
To help you prepare your state income tax return, we’re providing the percentage of federal tax-exempt interest income that’s subject to individual income tax in Utah for each Vanguard fund that invests in municipal bonds.