Target enrollment portfolios
Choose from our Target Enrollment Portfolios, and the Portfolio will automatically adjust its allocation to account for risk based on your student's expected year of enrollment.
Target enrollment portfolios
Choose from our Target Enrollment Portfolios, and the Portfolio will automatically adjust its allocation to account for risk based on your student's expected year of enrollment.
Individual portfolios
If you're more of a do-it-yourself investor and like to remain in control, you can design an investment strategy from our 21 individual portfolios. Select up to 5 portfolios at a time, and then manage that mix based on your time horizon and tolerance for risk.
Money market portfolios
- Provide limited exposure to market risk.
- Serve as a parking place for short-term cash needs.
U.S. bond portfolios
- Provide the potential for income.
- Help offset the risk of stock portfolios within a well-balanced portfolio.
- Invest in hundreds—sometimes thousands—of U.S. bonds in a single portfolio.
Balanced portfolios
- Invest in both bonds and stocks for a mix of potential income and growth.
- Automatically rebalance to maintain a set asset mix or portfolio objective.
U.S. stock portfolios
- Provide the most potential for growth compared with money market and bond portfolios.
- Offer a higher potential for risk, which can be offset by bond portfolios within a well-balanced portfolio.
- Invest in hundreds—sometimes thousands—of U.S. stocks in a single portfolio.
International bond portfolios
- Add diversification to help manage risk within a U.S.-focused portfolio.
- Provide the potential for income.
- Help offset the risk of stocks within a well-balanced portfolio.
- Invest in hundreds—sometimes thousands—of international bonds in a single portfolio.
International stock portfolios
- Add diversification to help manage risk within a U.S.-focused portfolio.
- Provide more potential for growth compared with international bonds.
- Offer a higher potential for risk, which can be offset by bonds within a well-balanced portfolio.
- Invest in hundreds—sometimes thousands—of international stocks in a single portfolio.
More about 529 and your options
All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest.
Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.
There is no guarantee that any particular asset allocation or mix of funds will meet your investment objectives or provide you with a given level of income.
For more information about any 529 college savings plan, contact the plan provider to obtain a Program Description, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other information; read and consider it carefully before investing. If you are not a taxpayer of the state offering the plan, consider before investing whether your or the designated beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program. Vanguard Marketing Corporation serves as distributor for some 529 plans.