Explore your IRA options and determine whether you are eligible to contribute.

Roth, traditional, or both?

Explore your IRA options and determine whether you are eligible to contribute.
8 minute read   •   December 31, 2024

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Contribution limits

At a glance

  • Learn about the 2 types of individual retirement accounts (IRAs): Roth and traditional.
  • Choose an IRA based on factors like your income and possible tax consequences.
  • Determine if you're eligible for either (or both).

When it comes to IRAs, there are 2 main types to choose from—Roth and traditional. Making that choice—and knowing when and how much you can contribute—isn't always clear, so we want to provide some context around one of our most researched topics: Roth and traditional IRAs.

Common ground

A traditional IRA allows you to contribute money that can grow tax-deferred. A Roth IRA holds after-tax money you can withdraw tax-free. They sound fundamentally different, but both are tax-advantaged accounts designed to help you save for retirement. They share other similarities too:

1. No age limit
You can contribute to both a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA at any age as long as you're otherwise eligible. However, when you reach age 73,1 you'll be required to start taking annual distributions from your traditional IRA.

2.  Contribution limits
You typically need earned income to contribute to an IRA. For both traditional and Roth IRAs, the annual contribution limits for the 2024 tax year are $7,000 for those younger than 50 and $8,000 for those age 50 and older. The annual contribution limits for 2025 are $7,000 for those younger than 50 and $8,000 for those age 50 and older. 

These are total amounts across all your traditional and Roth IRAs; you can't contribute the maximum amount to each account separately. Depending on your income, your contribution limits may be lower. If you're married and your spouse earns low or no annual wages, they may be able to open a spousal IRA to boost your retirement savings as a couple.

3. Contribution deadline
Whether you're contributing to a traditional or a Roth, the deadline to contribute is the same for both accounts, and it's the tax-filing deadline for the tax year. For the 2024 tax year, the deadline is April 15, 2025. For the 2025 tax year, the deadline is April 15, 2026.

4. Transfer or rollover
You can transfer your IRA to another similarly registered IRA through a direct transfer. You can also withdraw money from your account for 60 days as long as you roll it back into the same or a similarly registered IRA. You can use this 60-day rollover option once every rolling 365 days. When you use the 60-day rollover option, taxes may be withheld from the withdrawal, so you'll have to use other funds to roll over the full amount of the distribution.

Learn the differences

To better understand the differences between Roth and traditional IRAs, let's focus on 3 areas: deductions, taxes, and withdrawals.

Traditional IRA

With a traditional IRA, you may be able to deduct your contributions  for the tax year in which you make them. Keep in mind that the deductible amount could be reduced or eliminated if you or your spouse are covered by an employer's retirement plan. When it's time to start withdrawing, your deductible contributions and earnings are taxed as ordinary income. If you don't qualify for deductible contributions, you can make a nondeductible contribution; the nondeductible portion won't be taxed upon withdrawal but the earnings will. Withdrawals work like this:

  • If you withdraw from your traditional IRA before you've reached age 59½, you'll pay ordinary income tax on the amount that represents the pre-tax portion of the distribution and a 10% early distribution penalty (unless an exception applies).
  • If you withdraw after you've reached 59½, you won't be penalized, but you'll still pay ordinary income tax on the amount that represents the pre-tax portion of the distribution.
  • When you reach age 73,1 you'll be required to start taking annual distributions from your traditional IRA. The amount you withdraw for your required minimum distribution (RMD ) is calculated based on your life expectancy and the balance of your account at the end of the previous year.

Roth IRA

Contributions you make to your Roth IRA aren't deductible. This means withdrawals of your Roth contributions (your "basis") will always come out tax- and penalty-free. You can also make tax-free withdrawals of your earnings as long as you've reached age 59½ and you've owned your Roth IRA for at least 5 years.2 There are no lifetime mandatory withdrawals for a Roth IRA because your contributions have already been taxed—meaning you can withdraw your savings at your leisure in retirement.


Any individual with earned income (or who has a spouse with earned income) can contribute to a traditional IRA. However, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA could be reduced—or even eliminated—based on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).

If you can't make the maximum Roth IRA contribution because your MAGI is over the upper limit of the annual income range, a Roth conversion may be right for you. This is when you take all or part of the balance of an existing traditional IRA and move it into a Roth IRA. 

Learn more about income limits


Whether you're eligible to contribute to a Roth, a traditional, or both, opening an IRA is a step toward a better retirement. Contributing as soon as you can gives your principal time to reap the benefits of compounding—where your investment earnings generate their own earnings. Your eligibility to contribute may depend on your income, so if you aren't sure what to do, reach out to a tax advisor to help you make an informed decision.

Ready to choose your IRA?

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1Due to changes to federal law that took effect on January 1, 2023, the age at which you must begin taking RMDs differs depending on when you were born. If you turned age 72 on or before December 31, 2022, you were required to take your RMD and must continue satisfying that requirement. However, if you had not yet turned age 72 by December 31, 2022, you must take your first RMD from your traditional IRA by April 1 of the year after you reached age 73. If you aren't 73 by December 31, 2032, you'll be required to take your first RMD from your traditional IRA by April 1 of the year after you reach 75.

2Withdrawals of earnings from a Roth IRA are tax-free if you're age 59½ or older and have held the account for at least 5 years; withdrawals of earnings taken prior to 59½ or 5 years may be subject to ordinary income tax or a 10% penalty tax, or both. The 5-year holding period for Roth IRAs starts on the earlier of: (1) the date you first contributed directly to the Roth IRA, (2) the date you rolled over a Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) to the Roth IRA, or (3) the date you converted a traditional IRA to the Roth IRA. A separate 5-year period applies for each conversion and begins on the first day of the year in which the conversion contribution is made. If you're under age 59½ and you have one Roth IRA that holds proceeds from multiple conversions, you're required to keep track of the 5-year holding period for each conversion separately.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest.

We recommend that you consult a tax or financial advisor about your individual situation.

When taking withdrawals from an IRA before age 59½, you may have to pay ordinary income tax plus a 10% federal penalty tax.